
Oklahoma Christian writers

Wordwrights is an interdenominational group of writers holding the basic belief that the Bible is God’s infallible word and the believer’s guide and final authority for faith and instruction. Members agree that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that belief in Jesus Christ, according to John 3:16, is the only way to spiritual salvation.

Wordwrights holds that inspirational and religious writing can and should be of the highest quality.

Our History

Wordwrights was founded on February 4, 1995. The group was led by Irene Martin, a published author, editor, and writing instructor who served as president for three years. Succeeding Martin as President include: Susan Brown, Nancy Simmons Vineyard, Norman Styers, Milton Smith, Jean Reed, and Barbara Zimmerman.

Our Purpose

Wordwrights exists to support writers in producing quality, marketable work, both fiction and nonfiction. Group members offer critique and encouragement to each other. The group functions as a forum for experienced writers to pass on their knowledge to beginning writers. The goal of every Wordwrights’ member should be publication of his or her work.


Wordwrights’ members range from beginners who have never been published to experienced writers with multiple books and other publishing credits. Members publish fiction, nonfiction and poetry in religious and secular publications.
Dues are $20.00 per calendar year.

There are no requirements for new members. Because Wordwrights members are expected to be actively working toward publication, renewal is contingent on one of the following:

  1. Two article submissions in the prior year.
    2. Writing two book chapters in the prior year.
    3. Any publication or acceptance for publication (excluding publication in a “vanity” press.)
    (NOTE: Bylaws are subject for review.)


Wordwrights is led by a board of elected officers.

“Lord, establish the work of our hands for us. Yes, establish the work of our hands.”

– Psalm 90:17 NIV

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